What is SDLC? Understanding Software Development Life Cycle In 2024

By HexGen | 21 May 2024

What is SDLC? Understanding Software Development Life Cycle In 2024

The software development life cycle (a.k.a. SDLC) refers to a method with defined processes for developing excellent quality software. The SDLC methodology focuses on the seven software development phases. These are:


Requirement Analysis.


Implementing (Coding).




In this article , we will explain SDLC, how it works, SDLC models, and SDLC phases in detail. However, before explaining that, you must know:

Why is SDLC important?

The software development process can be challenging because of changing requirements, technological upgrades, and cross-functional collaboration. The SDLC methodology entails a systematic management framework with deliverables at each stage. Because of this, multiple stakeholders agree on software development goals and upfront requirements.

To add more, here are some main reasons that highlight that why SDLC is important in software development:

  • Organization: SDLC offers a methodical approach to software development to ensure that projects progress efficiently from beginning to end.
  • Quality Assurance: SDLC incorporates testing phases to ensure high-quality software with minimal errors. Efficiency: It breaks down the process into manageable phases for productivity and timely project delivery.
  • Risk Management: It helps identify and mitigate risks early in order to avoid any delays in the development process.
  • Alignment with Business Goals: SDLC ensures software development efforts meet the needs of end-users and align with every business goal.
  • Cost Control: SDLC helps control project costs by estimating resources and monitoring budgets.
  • Continuous Improvement: It fosters a culture of improvement which ultimately enhances efficiency and performance over time.

How Software Development Life Cycle Works?

SDLC in software engineering refers to the cost-effective and time-efficient process used by development teams to develop high-quality software. It serves as the backbone of the software engineering process that puts together the journey from concept to product.

SDLC is a methodical approach to the software development process that involves seven SDLC phases. These phases work together to ensure that the project is completed successfully. They prioritize various factors such as user experience, reliability, security, and scalability to develop functional software.

However, SDLC may vary for different development teams. Let’s explore seven SDLC phases to understand its working in detail:

7 Phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)


The planning phase in SDLC refers to the project's scope, objectives, timelines, and resources being determined. It involves defining what needs to be achieved, why it's necessary, and how it will be accomplished. The main tasks involved in planning a project are:

  • Project Initiation.
  • Creating a project charter.
  • Setting goals. Identifying stakeholders.
  • Creating a timeline.
  • Allocating resources.
  • Establishing communication channels.

The result of the planning phase is a detailed project plan that outlines tasks, timelines, resources, risks, and milestones as well.

Requirement Analysis:

Requirement analysis is all about gathering and documenting detailed requirements from stakeholders. The main aim of this SDLC phase is to understand what the software should accomplish from the end-users perspective.

During this phase, various activities are performed to gather information about the project's requirements. These include conducting:

  • Interviews.
  • Workshops.
  • Surveys.
  • Studying existing systems.

The collected requirements are then documented in various forms such as use cases, and functional and non-functional requirements. The final output of this SDLC phase is a comprehensive requirements specification document that serves as a blueprint for the subsequent phases of the project.


The design phase in SDLC refers to the software's architecture and system design that is conceptualized based on the requirements gathered previously. The goal is to create a blueprint that outlines how the system will be implemented.

This involves the process of creating:

  • High-level and low-level designs.
  • Defining system architecture.
  • Database design.
  • User interface design.
  • Detailing interactions between system components.

The output of the design phase includes designing documents, architectural diagrams, data models, and prototypes that will guide the development team.

Implementing (Coding Part):

The implementation phase in SDLC refers to where developers translate the design into actual code. They write, review, and test code according to the specifications outlined in the design documents.

This SDLC phase also integrates various modules to create the complete software system. The outcome of this phase is the software product's executable codebase.


The testing phase in SDLC is focused on validating the software against defined requirements to ensure it meets all quality standards. During the testing SDLC phase, testers are responsible for creating and executing test cases.

They are also responsible for conducting different types of tests including:

  • Unit.
  • Integration.
  • System.
  • Acceptance testing.

Any bugs or issues discovered are first documented and reported, then addressed by the development team. As a result of this SDLC phase, the software product is verified with the complete test reports and defect logs and is ready for deployment.


The deployment phase in SDLC refers to the process of releasing the software into the production environment for end-users. This process entails:

  • Configuring servers.
  • Setting up databases.
  • Installing the software.
  • Ensuring smooth operation in production.

The ultimate goal of this SDLC phase process is to successfully deploy the software system in order to make it accessible to end-users.


The maintenance phase in SDLC involves maintaining and supporting the software after deployment to ensure its continued functionality and performance. The activities involved in software maintenance include:

  • Addressing user feedback.
  • Fixing bugs.
  • Implementing Enhancements.
  • Making updates to adapt to changing environments.

The result of these activities is the release of updated versions of the software, bug fixes, and continued support for users. However, maintenance activities are ongoing and continue throughout the software's lifespan.

So, that is how a complete SDLC works. Now, we are going to describe some popular SDLC models.

What are SDLC models?

SDLC models are actually the roadmaps used in the process of software development that guides the process from start to end.

To optimize software development processes, multiple types of SDLC models arrange phases in different chronological order. Let's understand some of the most popular SDLC models:

SDLC Waterfall Model

The waterfall model is a sequential approach to the software development life cycle. It uses a logical progression of SDL phases for a project where each new phase depends on the outcome of the previous phase of the development cycle. The design of the software flows from one phase down to the other, just like that of a waterfall.


  • Simple and easy to understand.
  • Perfect for projects with stable requirements.
  • Each phase has clear-defined deliverables.


  • Limited flexibility to accommodate changes once a phase is completed.
  • High-risk rate of late changes causing delays.

SDLC Agile Model

In the agile SDLC model, decisions are made collaboratively between requirements and solutions teams. Here the development process is iterative and cyclical as well. Here the development team iterates through the SDLC phases rapidly to deliver small and incremental changes in each cycle.


  • Provides customer improvement throughout the development process.
  • Gives frequent delivery of working software.
  • Quite flexible to accommodate changing requirements.


  • May be challenging to scale for large projects.
  • Dependency on self-organizing teams.

SDLC Iterative Model

In the SDLC model, the iterative process begins with a simple implementation of a small set of software requirements. This model iteratively enhances the evolving versions until the complete system is complete and ready for deployment. In this SDLC model, the development team creates a new software version at the end of each iteration.


  • Provides flexibility to changing requirements.
  • Gives early delivery of partial solutions for feedback.
  • Risk management through incremental development.


  • Iterative model can lead to scope creep if not managed effectively.
  • It may result in increased complexity with each iteration.

SDLC Spiral Model:

This model combines the small repeated models of iterative models with the waterfall model’s sequential flow to prioritize risk analysis. The spiral SDLC model can be used to ensure the software’s moderate release and improvement. You can do this simply by building prototypes at each SDL phase.


  • Enables early and frequent prototyping.
  • Just like the previous models, it also provides flexibility to accommodate changes during the development process.
  • Emphasizes risk management through iterative development cycles.


  • Not suitable for small projects.
  • Quite complex and may require more resources in comparison with other models.

SDLC V-Model

The V SDLC model is an extension of the waterfall model. In this SDLC model, each stage of development corresponds to a specific testing phase. It emphasizes the importance of testing throughout the development life cycle with testing activities mirrored against development activities.


  • Emphasizes testing throughout the development life cycle.
  • Helps in the early detection of defects.
  • Gives a correlation between development and testing activities.


  • Not suitable for projects with unclear requirements.
  • Strict and sequential nature can be rigid.


RAD refers to "Rapid Application Development" and is focused on rapid prototyping and quick feedback loops. It involves iterative development and the use of tools and techniques to accelerate the development process. RAD SDLC model is particularly suitable for projects with tight deadlines.


  • Provides accelerated development through rapid iterative cycles.
  • Best suited for projects with tight deadlines.
  • Customer involvement throughout the development process.


  • Requires skilled team members.
  • May sacrifice long-term maintainability for short-term speed.

Big Bang SDLC Model

The Big Bang SDLC model is used in software engineering and is characterized by its simplicity. In this model, there is minimal planning and documentation as compared with the other SDLC models. Here the development process starts abruptly often with the minimal requirements design specifications.


  • Allows for quick adaptation to changes since there is minimal upfront planning and documentation.
  • Developers can start coding immediately with no predefined process.
  • Particularly suitable for small projects where requirements are well understood.


  • Projects can fail if it is not properly planned and documented.
  • Difficult to manage and control large projects without a structured process.

Which SDLC model is best and most commonly used?

There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to which SDLC model is the best. As you know the suitability of a model depends on various factors such as project requirements, team dynamics, organizational culture, and industry standards. Different models have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of SDLC model should align with the specific needs of the project.

That being said, the Agile model is among the most commonly used and popular SDLC models in today's software development landscape. The Agile methodologies offer flexibility and adaptability to changing requirements.

It also provides early and frequent delivery of working software and close collaboration with customers. These characteristics make Agile well-suited for projects where requirements are expected to evolve, and where there is a need for quick feedback.

However, it's essential to note that Agile may not be the best fit for every project. For example, in highly regulated industries or projects with stable and well-defined requirements, a more structured approach like the Waterfall Model or V-model may be preferred. Once you understand the phases and models of the software development life cycle, you can try different SDLC tools to manage the SDLC process.

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